
Membership of the Board:


Members of the Board shall be appointed by Council.



The Board shall consist of six members, including office-bearers.

Council may, by a two thirds majority vote, terminate the membership of a member of the Board.

A member of the Board may resign his or here membership by notifying the Council of the Society in writing.

The term of office shall be two years, with the right to appointment for a further two years. No person shall be appointed to the Board for a third term unless they have spent a period of at least one year after the completion of their second term not being a member of the board. On creation of the Board, Council may determine that two members will serve initially a term of one year, and two others a term of two years.

Should the membership of the Board of any member be terminated for any reason the Council of the Society shall appoint a replacement member who will serve the term of the person whose membership has ended and then be eligible for further appointment.

Members of the Board shall be full members of the Hong Kong Society of Clinical Chemistry.





Office bearers:


The office-bearers shall be a Chairman and a Registrar appointed by Council. The Registrar shall act as secretary to the Board. The Treasurer of the Society shall act as Treasurer to the Board and shall have right to attend meetings of the Board, but not to vote unless appointed a member in his or her own right.





Operations of the Board:


The Board shall:



receive and consider applications for examination and accreditation;



conduct examinations of applicants;



appoint, from the Board, or by invitation from among other members of the Society, or from similar professional organizations in Hong Kong or overseas, at its discretion, at least three persons to act as examiners; examiners may be appointed at any time and for a period at the discretion of the Board.



confer, when satisfied as to the competence of candidates, the status of Accreditation with the Board.







Candidates for examination shall:



be fully paid-up members of the Society;



have been accepted by the Board as candidates for examination;



have had experience in the field of clinical biochemistry/-chemical pathology for a period to be determined by the Board;



at the time of application for examination sign a declaration that if accorded Accreditation they will seek to promote the profession of clinical biochemistry and behave professionally in accordance with all legislation relating to the profession and with any ethical principles adopted by the Society at the time.





Meetings of the Board:



Meetings shall be held at such intervals as deemed necessary by the Board, but not less than once per year;



Meetings shall be presided over by the Chairman, or in his or her absence by the Registrar;



A quorum shall consist of two thirds of the members;



Decisions of the Board shall be by a simple majority of those present. In the case of a tied vote, the chairman shall have a casting vote.



Records shall be kept of all meetings of the Board.





Register of Accredited Members:



The registrar shall keep a register of all currently accredited members. The register will be available for inspection by any member of the public.





Certificate of Accreditation:



The Board shall issue to Accredited members a certificate of accreditation signed by the Chairman and the Registrar over the seal of the Society.





Period of accreditation:



Accreditation with the Board shall be effective for a period of three years; thereafter further registration shall be dependent upon the Board being satisfied that professional competence has been maintained. To make this determination the Board may stipulate such requirements as it sees fit.








The Board shall charge such application, examination and other fees as it from time to time prescribes.








The Board shall establish regulations for the acceptance of candidature for examination, for the proper conduct of examinations and for the functioning of the Board as it sees fit. Such regulations shall be published through the Society and by any other means resolved by the Board.





Decisions of the Board regarding accreditation:



Decisions relating to accreditation shall be the sole province of the Board and its decision shall be final.