- Importance, Strategies and Methods of Protecting Children and Adolescents from Respiratory Tract Infections 保護孩童及青少年免受呼吸道感染侵害的重要性, 策略和方法
(23 January 2025) - Special needs of families with children having chronic disabling diseases, special education needs, or psychosocial deprivation
(28 November 2023) - Influenza and Common Viral Infections in Children and Adolescents: Management and Prevention
(2 May 2023) - Management and prevention of Enterovirus infection and common viral infections in children
(2 Mar 2023) - Physical activity, exercise and nutritional support of children in the post-COVID era
(2 Feb 2023) - Long term impact of COVID infection on Children and its management
(10 Jan 2023)
Upcoming Events
Recent Past Events
- Importance, Strategies and Methods of Protecting Children and Adolescents from Respiratory Tract Infections
保護孩童及青少年免受呼吸道感染侵害的重要性, 策略和方法 (23 January 2025) - ACPID 2024 (13-15 December 2024)
- Rare Disease Symposium 2024 (30 November 2024)

Objectives of HKPS
- Advancement of Knowledge in Child Health Care
- To Maintain High Standard of Child Health Care
- Promotion of Child Health through Public Education
- Comradeship